On March 12, 1912 Girl Scouts was launched when our founder, Juliette Gordon Low, exclaimed these immortal words, "I've got something for the girls of Savannah and all America and all the world, and we're going to start it tonight!" Never were truer words spoken.
From that time to today, Girl Scouting has been based upon the principles set forth by Juliette Gordon Low, that girls become good people from strong values instilled early on, lessons calmly taught, and time wisely invested by strong adult role models, 99% of whom volunteer their time.
Girl Scouting quickly flourished throughout the nation and in the Girl Scouts of Manitou Council area. Girl Scouting in the area began in 1919 in both Kohler and Sheboygan, and then sprung up rapidly in nearly all communities in the council area. In the early years, each community or small groups of communities maintained their own council. In 1957, Girl Scouts of the USA's national council voted that a "council coverage plan" should be initiated nation-wide to ensure that no matter where a girl lived, she would be "Under the Green Umbrella" of a Girl Scout council to serve her.
Due to that initiative, from 1963 to 1966, the many community councils in Sheboygan and Ozaukee Counties voted to join forces with the Manitou Council serving girls in Calumet and Manitowoc Counties. In 1994, Girl Scouts from the Waubun Girl Scout Council in Fond du Lac County and portions of Dodge and Washington Counties voted to join Girl Scouts of Manitou Council, bringing the final area to the current strong and vibrant Girl Scouts of Manitou Council.